Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Types of orthodontic treatment

-Braces: Metal or ceramic brackets are bonded to the front of teeth. Wires and elastics are attached to the brackets to straighten teeth.

- Invisalign®: Advanced 3D computer images of the patients’ mouth are used to create clear, custom aligners that slowly move teeth. They are nearly invisible and are more comfortable than traditional braces. They are also removable, which makes it possible to continue with normal brushing and flossing.

- Retainers: A retainer is a removable piece worn inside the mouth that uses pressure to force teeth to move into proper alignment. They are used after braces are removed.

Length of orthodontic treatment:
Treatment typically ranges from 12 – 36 months. Factors include the age, cooperation level, and growth occurrence of the patient. The complexity of the case also impacts the treatment time.


  1. Orthodontic treatment is the best for our teeth maintaining and make our smile more beautiful and attractive. Nice to come this post. Nice to know about Types of orthodontic treatment.

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  2. It is important to keep clean while wearing braces, if not then plaque can easily accumulates on teeth.. Anyway Thank you so much for sharing such a interesting post with us.

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