Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Back to School!

Ideas for Packing “soft” School Lunches August 21st, 2012

It’s that time of year again, while going over your checklist of school supplies don’t forget to include “tender treats” for your child wearing braces. Here are some food ideas that are easy to chew and won’t damage brackets:
* Banana slices, grape halves, or thinly cut apple slices (dip them all in lemon juice to keep from browning)

* Canned peaches or pears, fruit cocktail and orange slices
* Applesauce and pudding cups
* Thin carrot-curls made with a vegetable peeler, a cup of salad dressing for dipping.
* With a cold pack soft sandwiches can be sent such as egg salad or tuna salad.
* Soups are also good options when packed in a thermos, as well as ramen noodles or pasta.
Don’t forget to pack a toothbrush for brushing after lunch, and have your student drink plenty of water to help keep teeth clean!