Thursday, April 11, 2013

Braces Friendly... and Not So Friendly

Foods You Can Eat After a Bit of Effort
if you cut them into thin wedges
Carrots if you cook them instead of eating raw
Chicken wings and ribs if you cut the meat off the

Pickles if you cut them into small piecesbone
Corn on the cob if you remove the kernels from the cob
Hard cookies if you soften them in milk first
Ice cubes if you suck them only (no biting!)

Foods You Shouldn’t Eat
Bagels or hard rolls because the outer edges are chewy and toughBagel chips or other, thicker chips
Beef jerky
Chewing gum
Cold candy
(for example, M&Ms in ice cream)

Hard candy you bite into
(candy canes, peanut brittle, jaw breakers, Skittles and similar candies)
Hard pretzels
Pizza crust
Popcorn or caramel corn
(because of the kernels and their shells)
Suckers (too many people bite suckers rather than lick)

Taffy, Tootsie Rolls, Fruit Roll-Ups & Gummi bears
(anything that you normally have to pick out of your teeth will break your braces)